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Posts Tagged ‘Liberal Men’

It’s Hard, Literally, Out Here for a Male Pro-Porn Feminist

Posted by A birch tree on April 7, 2008

I have a question.

I consider myself a radical pro-feminist, or a member of the Feminist Movement’s Boys Auxiliary. But I have to wonder… if the pro-porn branch of Feminism somehow became the heart of the movement, what guy wouldn’t want to affiliate himself with it, outside of the extreme right-wing “women are an individual man’s property” group?

I mean, all the things most men want women to do is right there in pro-porn feminism. Let me give you some examples:

PPF Says: Women should liberate themselves sexually
Men hear: Women should be having sex with lots of dudes, including me? Rock on!

PPF Says: Women should explore the nuances of their sexual identity.
Men hear: Women, both gay and straight, should try having sex with girls and/or guys (like me) at the same time? Kick ass!

PPF Says: Women videotaping, selling, or videotaping AND selling the aforementioned sexual liberation and sexual identity nuance exploration is empowering.
Men hear: This movement is encouraging more women to make more porn for me? And shit, they might even include me? Sweet! Oh, and more whores I can bang on the cheap, who are just doing it for the empowerment and maybe not so much the cash? Double-sweet! Oh! Oh! And if I can nab one, she’ll go with me to strip clubs and is encouraged to explore the nuances of her sexual identity for empowerment by making out with the strippers while I watch? HOOYAH!

PPF Says: The root of Feminism is about sexual liberation and sexual identity.
Men hear: The root of Feminism is about sex. With me. Hand me the fucking petition already, I’m signing up!

So, since men seem to be more or less universally on board with the distinguishing tenets of Pro-Porn Feminism, why hasn’t it conquored the world yet? Is it because there are a zillion men out there who are in favor of a wage gap and against abortions?

No, not really. It’s because, sans wage gap elimination and increasing the availability of abortion, the PPFs are basically talking about the way men already believe the world is. They don’t have to change anything, except maybe refraining from calling hired sex workers “whores” in front of their PPF girlfriends. They still own the world, and womens’ bodies are still communal property, they’re still looking at women as little more than vehicles for their own sexual titilation. And hell, who could really expect them to catch the subtle difference between watching gang-bang bukkake videos while saying “This woman is obviously liberating her sexuality, and by paying to see it I am supporting her empowerment” and watching an amazingly sexist story on Fox News and saying “Those women are obviously liberating their sexuality, and byapproving of it I am supporting their empowerment”?

Especially since, when you get right down to it, there is no difference. Because, fuck, some of those women undoubtedly enjoy being treated like that! It’s their bag, yo! We need to stop being so judgemental!

So, pray tell, what mindsets or privileges does a man have to give up in order for him to identify himself as a Pro-Porn Feminist? He has to put up a little pseudo-rant, “I’d castrate the bastard with a rusty spoon”-style, against rape? Well shit, what man doesn’t do that already? And hey, if he still gets to watch “faux”-rape pornography with his girlfriend, all the better! It’s empowering to women now when men say one thing and then do another. Who knew that women were being empowered for all those centuries?

What else would he have to do? Produce a crocodile-tear or two over reproductive choice abortion rights being threatened with roll-backs? Again, no skin off any red-blooded liberal dude’s nose, seeing as he’s looking for any way he can to get out of paying child support for all of the Feminists that his penis has helped “Empower”, so best to nip it in the bud early anyhow. Sure, he can get behind that.

I have yet to see any philosphical position in the PPF side of the movement that actually undermines male dominance, or is really in any way revolutionary. The idea that Women’s Empowerment can be found at the base of men’s genetalia is as old as the hills. And it never made any sense.

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